B&A: Editing an Aspen Grove

Here's a behind-the-scenes look at how I post-processed one of my images. I took it from a blah, bland photograph to one that will make you want to go find your nearest aspen grove to wander in. Although I've used a number of photo-editing software over the past decade, doing any sort of edit that veers away from true-to-life still feels a little foreign. It's uncomfortable. But at the same time, I want to play with different looks and effects.…

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Little Bunny Foo Foo

All images need a little TLC and massaging (aka post processing). If you shoot in jpeg, which most cameras do, they are already post-processed in-camera by default, and in most cases, all you need to do is give it a little extra oomph to get it to look how you like. I shoot in RAW format, which is an unedited, uncompressed, unaltered file format. It comes out looking very flat and blah-looking. The main advantage to shooting in RAW is…

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Software to take your pictures from “meh” to “ooh!”

Whether you shoot on a dSLR or a smartphone, editing to give your photographs a little extra oomph is a smart move. It takes your images from snapshot quality to "ooh!" (or sometimes "ew!"). (Summary at bottom of this article) I don't own a smartphone, so take this with a grain of salt. My photography buddies like Snapseed, which is produced by a subsidiary of DxO Labs, a photo editor company that's giving Adobe a run for its money. The…

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Chasing Bright-Ass Light

Most photographers know that shooting in broad daylight tends to make for unflattering photographs. The shadows are harsh, crisp, and make people squint. If you're not paying attention, it's easy to blow your highlights (aka overexpose) or underexpose. But on the flip side of the same coin...

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