Are You a Photo Thief?

Have you ever gone on Google or Duck Duck Go and searched for an image and upon finding The Perfect Image, right-clicked save-as and uploaded to your site, blog, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter? If you have, you might be a photo thief! On several photography forums I frequent, the question of whether it's okay or not to grab random images off the internet. Invariably, the participants divide into two camps: for and against. It seems most of the "for" group…

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Why won’t photographers give me the RAW images?

Every so often, magazines run these Cosmo-quality articles advising readers on what to look for in their photographers and lists questions to ask. Among some of the ridiculous, unrealistic questions like what cameras they use (would you ask your doctor what brand scalpels they use?), they often suggest asking for RAW files. Some go as far as to say that you should reject a photographer if they balk at providing RAW files. So, the blushing brides, caring moms, and eager…

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